Foundation Research
The Foundation sponsors innovative research to enhance the scientific understanding of chemicals and expand our knowledge of potential ecological and environmental impacts of chemicals. This research is shared with various audiences (e.g. industry, academia, governmental agencies and the public) through peer reviewed journal publications, meetings and symposia.
The generation of relevant and reliable data is the foundation for objective scientific evaluations. Scientific methods continue to improve and advance, and maintaining an accurate understanding of the potential risk of chemical exposures often requires integration of scientific evidence across different study types (e.g., from epidemiological studies, laboratory animal investigations, and mechanistic research) that can vary in terms of quality and reliability.
Consideration of exposure and dose-response is an important aspect for characterizing risk. Exposure science helps us focus our understanding of the fate and transport of chemicals from sources of manufacturing, use and disposal. This can include studies of exposure scenarios, behaviors and use patterns related to contact and interactions with, and uptake by, human and environmental receptors.
The Foundation partners with science focused organizations to further the development and use of best available science. Through supporting scientific meetings, forums, and workshops, the Foundation works to enrich the scientific community.